Here are some song lyrics that the Lord has provided to me, and I share with you:
In Your arms is where I want to be
When my world comes crashing down on me
So hold me close, keep me Yours always
Bid me, break me, be my rock
For now and all my days
Whom have I when my heart begins to fail
And sorrow fills the streets
And sounds of death prevail
Jesus is my hope, and I know He stills the wind
So take my very life away, as long as I get Him!
My soul longs for the day when I'll see You face
When sin and death will pass
And tears are wiped away
So let the sky fall down, and earth and cities quake
And I'll say of my God and King
Lord blessed be Your name.
Blessed be, blessed be Your name.
Blessed be Your holy name.
-In Your Arms
By: The Church at Brook Hills/Mandi Mapes
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