Sunday, September 13, 2009

Here it is

So it's been a minute since I gave a good blog. The reason for that is a complete change taking place in life. To keep a long story short, the Lord is very much at work in my life. For me to go into full detail of what has been happening the past month in my life, would take SEVERAL lengthy blog posts. That being said, I am in a place in my life that I've never been in before...and it's weird. That being said, while I wouldn't have necessarily picked to be here, the Lord has been very sweet to me lately. In fact, the journey I am currently on with the Lord is unlike any previous in my life. I am unbelievably grateful to the Lord for meeting me in the train-wrecked place that I have been. Furthermore, I am unbelievably grateful to my friends for prayers and support like I have never experienced before. And a shout-out to my momma! It has been through the Lord and his using my friends and Mom to bring to where I am now. So where am I? I'm still not sure, but I'm on the up and up.

A friend gave me some lyrics that I'm liking: "This is where you are. Don't push. Don't shove."

What I will do now is completely undervalue the things the Lord has been teaching me by listing them, in order that I can get them all out. There is very much a possibility that some of these themes will be further addressed in later posts and later times in life, but this is the list (there's a good chance that none of this will make sense to you...embrace that and trust me):

Life is about knowing God (like truly knowing Him when we flat out deserve the opposite). I am the example of the opposite of someone who deserves to know God. I hate the sin in my life. I am in disbelief of the Lord's love. If you seek God, He will meet with you. Our God is jealous for us. His Kingdom is unshakable. I always said I would abandon things in my life if the Lord desired, and He has put that to the test. I'm hoping I've been found true to my word (despite the difficulty). People will fail, but God will not. God is my master, and I ENJOY being His servant. I don't know what's next, and that's just fine. I do have commitment issues, and it's possible those will be worse. God will provide amazing amounts of grace if and when you beg. I will struggle to trust the people in certain relationships in my life. I will have a heart scar (once I finish healing), but I know the Lord redeems the ugly (thankfully). I am fully defined in Christ. My trust in the Lord has grown. I am all but certain that there are others, but none are coming to mind.

Other news: the Lord is continuing to remind me of my love for preaching. I have been twice to FBC Covington, LA and I really like it. I am losing weight.

Sorry for how ridiculous this post has been. There has been A TON that I have wanted to say, but due to a plethora of reasons, I haven't posted...thus the information vomit of a post. I will try to do better. I hope this post finds you all doing well. Much love...

1 comment:

  1. Glad to see how the Lord is working in your life. Stay strong, friend!
